Nissan представи футуристична концепция

Феновете на марката се надяват да видят производствена версия на прототипа

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Коментари - Nissan представи футуристична концепция | Авто

17-11-2017 20-11-2018


Абе само на мен ли това на снимката подозрително ми прилича на Tesla Cybertruck?

Това е много по-грозно.

Да повторя, понеже дирци трият. Трият нещо, което е на сайта на Нисан. Който си купи Nissan ще да е доста луд. Ето ви нагледно, каква информация събира колата и праща в централата: What information does Nissan collect from you? Nissan collects information that may identify, relate to, describe, or be capable of being associated with or reasonably linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular identified or identifiable person or household (“Personal Data”). + contact information, such as your name, email address, phone number, mailing address + payment information, such as credit card number (if you make a purchase on the sites or apps) + geolocation, which may be collected from your connected vehicle, your device’s connection to a wireless system, or inferred from your IP address and/or your postal code+++ + demographic information such as your zip code, age, date of birth, or gender + your social security number as an employee, or, in limited circumstances (e.g., if you win a sweepstakes or prize for government tax purposes) + service or warranty information regarding vehicles + employment and related information, such as employee identification number National or State Identification Numbers, and dependent information for the administration of certain employee benefits or programs + other information identified in this Privacy Notice Сега става интересно! Sensitive personal information, including driver’s license number, national or state identification number, citizenship status, immigration status, race, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual activity, precise geolocation, health diagnosis data, and genetic information. И не е само Nissan.